
Alleged bribe video of H.E Nana Addo leaked?

The president of the republic of Ghana and leader of the New Patriotic Party(NPP) H.E Nana Addo alleged bribe video has surfaced on the internet getting everyone talking.

The video as said by Salis Newspaper is a 40 mins investigative piece that involved the ambassador of Ghana to the United State, Ambassador Bawuah  and an unknown man and woman together with the president. The video continued with a conversation between the unknown man who is alleged to be the brother of the director of the department of urban roads, Alhaji Abass Awolu and the president asking him to ignore corruption and the National Democratic Congress(NDC) affiliation against Alhaji Abass Awolu.

“He has been advised by some people to come and see you with money. He says he doesn’t have much except this $40,000. He is pleading with you not to remove him from office. He also assures never to disappoint you if he is maintained.”

The alleged bribe video saw the unknown man hand a brown envelope containing an amount of $40,000 to the president telling him it was from Alhaji Abass Awolu and added that the director said that was all he could afford.

Nana Addo after receiving the envelope requested for a name.

“He said, “I need to have a name” to which the lady replied, “Hajia Fawzia”. It is unclear what Akufo-Addo needed the name for.”

However, the video is said to be false  and alleged to be created by the National Democratic Congress to tarnish the image of the president.

source: www.Ghface.com

source: Salis newspaper

Kerzia Anani
the authorKerzia Anani
Kerzia Sedinam Anani is a young Journalist and Vlogger.I love writing stories, poems, articles, music reviews, relationship stuff, and spicy celebrity gossips.