
Check out full list of all the properties owned by Eugene Arhin

The wife of the Communications Director at the Presidency, Eugene Arhin, Gloria Assan Arhin has filed for divorce as published by earlier.

Gloria Assan Arhin filed the suit on Wednesday, February 10, 2021, at the Matrimonial Division of the Accra High Court on grounds of adultery and abuse.

According to her statement of writ, she has listed numerous properties owned by her estranged husband, Mr. Eugene Arhin.

Below are the properties owned by the director of communications at the president as listed by Mrs. Arhin;

READ ALSO, Eugene Arhin’s marriage hits the rock; Wife files divorce suit

1. A five-bedroom residential property (which was intended to be the matrimonial home of the parties) situate on a two plot of land lying at East Legon in Accra.

2. A four-storey building comprising 16 separate flats/apartments situated on a parcel of land at Bubiashie in Accra which land was acquired from a family friend of a Petitioner.

3. An ongoing storey building comprising of 16 separate flats/apartments situate at Tuba-Weija in Accra.

4. A storey building comprising apartments erected on a parcel of land situate at Teshie in Accra.

5. A residential property situated at AU village at La in Accra.

6. A residential building situated at Senya Breku in the Central Region where the Respondent comes from.

7. A waterfront residential property/resort situated at Ada Foah in the Greater Accra region.

8. 3K barbering shop at Teshie.

For moveable properties, Gloria Arhin states that they have:

1. One Ford F150 vehicle

2. Toyota Avalon vehicle with registration number GR 7108-18

3. Toyota Lexus vehicle with registration number GE 4646-18

4. Toyota Tundra vehicle with registration number GE 7108-18

5. Hyundai Elantra vehicle with registration number GE 4646-19