
Boy, 13, Becomes Youngest Father In The World (Photo)

A thirteen (13) year old boy has set a world record by becoming the youngest father after his older girlfriend gave him a bouncy baby girl.

Identified as Alfie Madden, he got his 15-year-old girlfriend pregnant after a night of unprotected sex. Now, he has been forced into fatherhood and compelled to take care of his daughter. But that was only where his story began; the already-unbelievable events took a shocking turn…

According to the report, when asked how he would financially take care of his baby, he innocently asked what ‘Financially’ meant.

It appears that the now youngest father in the world has no knowledge about fatherhood and how to take care of his baby and her mother.

But hopes are that he might receive some financial assistance from his parents and some other family members.

Fatherhood is a real institution on its own that is full of shared responsibilities and duties.

Abena Magis
the authorAbena Magis
| Journalist | Fashionist | Filmmaker|