Michael Aidoo

Michael Aidoo
431 posts
Promoter, Blogger, Artiste, Talent Manager, Digital Manager. CEO of Wyse Promotions.Facebook: Da BiggestPromoter,Instagram: @wysepromotions1,WhatsApp: +233244242244

Video: Kekeli Musiq Pours Out Raw Emotions In An Upcoming Song Titled “Super Love”

Kekeli Musiq pours out his raw emotions after his 'said' girlfriend left him, in a song titled "Super Love". He disclosed the song was personal and didn't want to release it but his team and people close who were previewed...


Medikal Set To Tour Europe With Fella Makafui

AMG Business rapper Medikal is set tour Europe this August with his girlfriend Fella Makafui. The tour is dubbed "Medikal Omo Ada Europe Tour 19". He will be playing at Germany, Holland and Italy. See flyer for more details https://www.instagram.com/p/BzuUoPpDTyP/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link...

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