Award-winning female vocalist eShun is entreating Rufftown records signee Wendy Shay to get a voice coach if she wants to go far.
Few weeks ago, Dangme hip-life singer Charlorson made same suggestion that Wendy Shay needed a voice trainer despite being a great talent and most Ghanaians including the Shayfans supported him.
Speaking on E-Update on Angel TV eShun admitted Wendy Shay is a great talent but the vocal prowess is questionable.
“I believe she is very talented because I saw a video of her singing.I would advise her to get a voice coach or someone to coach her.I have been there before and I believe Bullet is watching. I’m good without a voice coach though. Wendy if you want to fight well with me then get a voice coach because Efya and co did voice training ”, she opined.
The “I Want” singer also revealed that reality shows has really helped her in terms of singing and stage craft. She believes Wendy Shay will do marvelously well if Bullet will heed to her humble opinion.
A word to the wise is enough and the voice of the people is the voice of the Lord. We hope Wendy Shay who is currently in Sweden with her manager Bullet will hear this and act fast.
Source: / Wyse Brain