
We’re selling our bodies to men for money over salary arrears – female nurses cry

Ghana female nurses

A group of female nurses have revealed that they have to sell their bodies to men for money over non-payment of salaries.

According to them, they have to give out their bodies as alternative means to get money since the government hasn’t paid their salaries in a while.

The ‘angry’ female nurses were seen in a video demonstrating massively against and accusing the government of not being unfair to them.

In the video, the leader of the group bitterly said;

“We are very tired. We need our money. The selling of our bodies to men for money has become too much. We need our money.

We worked for our money and we have the right to demand our money.” 

They, however, appealed to the government to settle their salary arrears so as they can stop selling their bodies for money to survive.