
Get Familiar With Afrikaba Ronnie

Ronnie Ato Paintsil popularly known as ‘Afrikaba Ronnie” is a media practitioner who is expect in event management, artiste management, blogging, products promotion and a public speaker.

Afrikaba started his basic education at Aboso-Benso “A” basic school and proceeded to Swedru Senior High where he studied business programme. He later studied education and psychology at the University of Cape Coast.

He affiliated himself with top filmmakers in Ghana where he studied under mentorship to become a film producer and director.

In 2014 he joined the Film Directors Guild of Ghana (FDGG) where he became the regional secretary for Central region and now the regional chairman.

He is a board member to the Ananse Cinema International Film Festival.

In2012, he became the production manager and writer for Ghanaian mouthpiece news paper and also a board member for Rhythms of Africa Music foundation.

Afrikaba who is one of the top event consultants in Ghana joined the Musicians Union of Ghana (MUSIGA) and mobilize most of the Musicians from the Central Region especially Agona and Gomoa areas to be part of Musiga.

He has been a board member of the Central Music Awards from 2015 up to date. He is also a board member of Central Media Awards.

With his achievement in the music industry, he introduced Patapaa to the Africa music zone with the biggest song ever to rise from Ghana “One Corner”.

He has been working for most top musicians in Ghana like Cecilia Marfo, Empress Gifty Osei, Adeline Baidoo, Evang IK Among (Bobolebobo) and many others.

He has also been working with top actors like Kofi Ajololo, Fred Amugi, Mikki Osei Berko and others.

He is also a founding member and head of media of the Swedru Marathon which is the biggest marathon event in Ghana.

Afrikaba Ronnie is a very committed and passionate person that hails from Agona Swedru and now pushing to a very greater height.

In his career, he has been able to bring positive change to the people.

Michael Aidoo
the authorMichael Aidoo
Promoter, Blogger, Artiste, Talent Manager, Digital Manager. CEO of Wyse Promotions.Facebook: Da BiggestPromoter,Instagram: @wysepromotions1,WhatsApp: +233244242244