Michael Aidoo

Michael Aidoo
495 posts
Promoter, Blogger, Artiste, Talent Manager, Digital Manager. CEO of Wyse Promotions.Facebook: Da BiggestPromoter,Instagram: @wysepromotions1,WhatsApp: +233244242244

Wyse Brain – Thy Kingdom Remix ft Twum Barima & DJ Paloma

Ghanaian urban gospel just got better as Wyse Brain releases a new remix version of his current single "Thy Kingdom" featuring Zylofon FM's DJ Paloma and Twum Barima of Street Xervice. Thy Kingdom talks about the kingdom of God and...

EntertainmentMusic News

LISTEN UP: Elpidio Dalmeida Drops “Forever”

Hip hop artiste Elpidio Dalmeida brings to us a new jam dubbed "Forever". The Ghana-based Togolese and Portuguese rapper recruited Kudjoe Daze for this amazing R&B flavored song. The song was produced by Eze Young. Grab a copy below https://open.spotify.com/album/0THWFWxpXkM3ImjXMxIRp9?si=5kpo6ZPhRV-7gEmaCESjuQ&dl_branch=1...

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